Taiwan News 台灣新聞

by Ansami

News & Magazines


Taiwan News brings you the latest information of Taiwan in one app. By using RSS provided by official channels, we collect the popular websites and information into one plaform. You dont need to install multiple apps to get the info now.Popular newspaper and information source are included:IT/Mobile/Science/Technology:科學月刊癮科技 Cool3ciThome 新聞PanX 泛科技T客邦PanSci 泛科學TechNews 科技新報News:自由時報民報中時電子報上報經濟日報新頭殼公民新聞報焦點事件信傳媒轉角國際關鍵評論網Travel/Parenting/Entertainment:媽媽經親子天下簡單生活Easylife汽車日報MOOK景點家背包客棧旅選好文VOGUE 時尚網Manfashion這樣變型男